General information & Spa Etiquette

We recommend that you make reservations early for a treatment or massage.

Cancellation policy
If you must postpone or cancel an appointment, please let us know 24 hours in advance. Failure to cancel an appointment in a timely manner will result in charges due in full for services scheduled.

Unwind before or after your treatment with tea and fruit on an oversized couch in our relaxation room. We have separate women‘s and men’s changing rooms with lockers and showers. In addition, bathrobes, slippers, toiletries and other amenities are available for your convenience. Our Back on Track clients also receive a t-shirt suitable for the treatment.

When you book a massage, body or skin care treatment, we recommend that you arrive 15 minutes early for your treatment, in order to change and unwind in our relaxation room. Should you arrive late, we regrettably must shorten your treatment time accordingly.

To ensure that all of our guests can enjoy an oasis of peace, we request that noise be kept to a minimum in the relaxation areas. Guests under 16 must be accompanied by a responsible adult. No dog will be admitted. Please switch off all mobile telephones, pagers and other electronic devices while at the spa. Smoking is strictly prohibited. We recommend avoiding alcohol prior to your visit. Pets are not allowed.