How to live better and feel younger immediately

Picture of Mike Feusi
Mike Feusi

What is the most effective way to live better for longer and to feel younger immediately?

The answer is oxygen. Human cells need and thrive on oxygen. We know this from science and from our own practical experience.
Have you ever noticed how dewy and bright your skin looks and feels after a hike or walk in a forest? The fresh air (oxygen) in our bloodstream stimulates our blood circulation and is crucial to our skin’s ability to create new cells.

Normally, we absorb 21% oxygen with each breath we take. Oxygen fuels our cells and is essential for our survival. Oxygen helps us transform food into energy which is particularly important for our brains, immune systems, cell regeneration and healing.

Imagine if we could supply the body with 100% oxygen? Increase the energy supply to the brain and speed up cell turnover in the skin thereby boosting the skin’s own ability to produce collagen? Imagine no longer – we can live better and feel younger through Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. Initially discovered in 1662 and continually developed into the 1800’s, hyperbaric oxygen chambers became renowned for easing decompression sickness from scuba diving. This has enabled the medical profession to research and study the benefits for hundreds of years proving the indisputable benefits to cellular performance.

Studies and Research

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