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Ausgangslage: Meine Beschwerden Im Jahr 2017 bemerkte ich verstärkte, schmerzhafte Entzündungen und Schwellungen in den Gelenken, begleitet von «Morgensteifheit». Besonders

My complaints In 2017, I noticed increased, painful inflammation and swelling in my joints, accompanied by “morning stiffness”. This particularly

Interview with experts from Praxis Seidengasse in 8001 Zurich, the cabinet for high-quality and integrative dentistry in harmony with biological

Did you know that life expectancy is not the same as healthy life years? Have a look at this interesting

Breathwork refers to various techniques derived from ancient yoga, where you control your breathing on purpose with various techniques aimed

Dr. John Schoonbee, the Global Chief Medical Officer at Swiss Re, is a distinguished expert in the field of medical