The HBOT experiment of a 50-year-old woman with chronic inflammation

M. R.

My complaints

In 2017, I noticed increased, painful inflammation and swelling in my joints, accompanied by “morning stiffness”. This particularly affected my hands, feet and knees, which caused pain, were swollen and allowed only limited mobility. My GP then referred me to a rheumatologist. After various tests and scans, I received the diagnosis Psoriatic Arthritis.

What exactly is it?

Psoriatic Arthritis is an inflammatory joint disease that occurs in around a third of people with psoriasis. At first glance, the symptoms are similar to rheumatoid arthritis, but psoriatic arthritis is an autoimmune disease. This means, the immune system, which is supposed to fight off diseases, attacks its own body. My doctor explained to me that this chronic disease is irreversible. However, early and consistent treatment can help to slow down the progression and minimize permanent damage.

Which therapies help?

Modern therapies such as biologicals (biotechnologically produced proteins from living cell cultures) and anti-inflammatory drugs can effectively control symptoms and reduce the risk of joint destruction. Together with my doctor, I decided on a biologic to which I responded well.

At LABO Spa, I became aware of the new HBOT (hyperbaric oxygen therapy) chamber and knew immediately: want to try this.


The experiment: 40 days of HBOT (hyperbaric oxygen therapy)

At the end of April 2024, I stopped the biologics injections to test the HBOT therapy independently. I planned to stop the injection for six months, as the effect of the biologic lasts about 4-5 months. My assumption was that my condition would slowly deteriorate again without biologic therapy. To remain objective, I had my blood values checked regularly, before, during and after the therapy.

Ultimately, I have completed the special “Chronic Health Support” program at HBOT almost every day for 40 days.

I have kept a journal during this time. Here are the most important findings:

    • Blood test on May 3 
    • Start of the HBOT therapy on May 4: In the first two days, I am very tired after the sessions and feel a bit dizzy when I get out. From day 3 onwards I feel fine.
    • Blood test on May 22 
    • June 5: I have a slight cold, which makes it difficult to equalize the pressure and I find the pressure on my ears painful. HBOT is not recommended with a cold and should be paused until the cold has subsided. 
    • My last session is on June 11. After that I will visit HBOT once a week.
    • Blood test on October 21

The results

The effective blood values:

To be able to assess the effect of HBOT, I had my blood values checked regularly before, during and after the therapy. Two inflammatory markers are particularly important for monitoring psoriatic arthritis:

  1. C-Reactive Protein (CRP): this marker responds quickly to acute inflammation. A high CRP value indicates active inflammation.

My CRP level was 0.7 mg/L, which indicates minimal inflammatory activity. The value also remained stable over the entire test phase.


     2. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR): Another inflammatory marker that rises more slowly and remains elevated for longer.

My ESR value of 10 mm/h is within the normal range and does not indicate any significant inflammation. On a positive note, this value is even lower five months after the HBOT therapy.

Conclusion: I had to assume that my blood values would slowly deteriorate again without the biologics therapy. But the opposite happened: the blood values were stable and even improved.

The experience

Going to therapy every day was exhausting, but I found the sessions themselves comfortable. You are secluded in your own world, and I used the time to concentrate on my work. From time to time, my husband or a friend accompanied me. Important to know: You cannot bring any water into the capsule and there is no toilet.

My feeling:

    • I felt good and the alleviation of symptoms was comparable to the effect of the biologic.
    • The appearance of my skin, especially on my face, seemed to have improved.

My personal conclusion: HBOT is a valuable supplement for me that has significantly improved my quality of life.

The HBOT treatment was a success for me. Nevertheless, I wouldn’t give up the biologic treatment completely, as I have good results with it. Regular HBOT sessions are a real value added. Additionally, is also very important to maintain mobility – I exercise almost daily on the cross trainer, which also alleviates my symptoms.

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